This blog is about various ways of self improvement. Articles will be be chosen that are unique, informative and interesting.

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Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Fitness Romance Spiritual Health Beauty

How Reiki Concentration can Fulfill Your Desires

How Reiki Concentration can Fulfill Your Desires
by: Zach Keyer

Quote: "It is a spiritual law that the desire to do necessarily implies the ability to do."

You have all read of "Aladdin's Lamp," which accomplished such wonderful things. This, of course, is only a fairy tale, but it illustrates the fact that man has within him The Power, if he is Able to use it, to gratify his every wish.

If you are unable to satisfy your deepest longings it is time you learned how to use your God-given powers. You will soon be conscious that you have latent powers within capable when once developed of revealing to you priceless knowledge and unlimited possibilities of success.

Man should have plenty of everything and not merely substance to live on as so many have. All natural desires can be realized. It would be wrong for the Infinite to create wants that could not be supplied. Man's very soul is in his power to think, and it, therefore, is the essence of all created things. Every instinct of man leads to thought, and in every thought there is great possibility because true thought development, when allied to those mysterious powers which perhaps transcend it, has been the cause of all the world's true progress.

In the silence we become conscious of "that something" which transcends thought and which uses thought as a medium for expression. Many have glimpses of "that something," but few ever reach the state where the mind is steady enough to fathom these depths. Silent, concentrated thought is more potent than spoken words, for speech distracts from the focusing power of the mind by drawing more and more attention to the without.

Man must learn more and more to depend on himself; to seek more for the Infinite within. It is from this source alone that he ever gains the power to solve his practical difficulties. No one should give up when there is always the resources of Infinity. The cause of failure is that men search in the wrong direction for success, because they are not conscious of their real powers that when used are capable of guiding them.

The Infinite within is foreign to those persons who go through life without developing their spiritual powers. But the Infinite helps only he who helps himself. There is no such thing as a Special "Providence." Man will not receive help from the Infinite except to the extent that he believes and hopes and prays for help from this great source.

Concentrate on What You Want and Get It. The weakling is controlled by conditions. The strong man controls conditions. You can be either the conqueror or the conquered. By the law of Reiki - Concentration you can achieve your heart's desire. This law is so powerful that that which at first seems impossible becomes attainable.

By this law what you at first see as a dream becomes a reality.

Remember that the first step in Reiki - Concentration is to form a Mental Image of what you wish to accomplish. This image becomes a thought-seed that attracts thoughts of a similar nature. Around this thought, when it is once planted in the imagination or creative region of the mind, you group or build associated thoughts which continue to grow as long as your desire is keen enough to compel close Reiki – Concentration.

Form the habit of thinking of something you wish to accomplish for five minutes each day. Shut every other thought out of consciousness. Be confident that you will succeed; make up your mind that all obstacles that are in your way will be overcome and you can rise above any environment.

You do this by utilizing the natural laws of the thought world which are all powerful.

A great aid in the development of Reiki - Concentration is to write out your thoughts on that which lies nearest your heart and to continue, little by little, to add to it until you have as nearly as possible exhausted the subject.

You will find that each day as you focus your forces on this thought at the center of the stream of consciousness, new plans, ideas and methods will flash into your mind. There is a law of attraction that will help you accomplish your purpose. An advertiser, for instance, gets to thinking along a certain line. He has formed his own ideas, but he wants to know what others think. He starts out to seek ideas and he soon finds plenty of books, plans, designs, etc., on the subject, although when he started he was not aware of their existence.

The same thing is true in all lines. We can attract those things that will help us. Very often we seem to receive help in a miraculous way. It may be slow in coming, but once the silent unseen forces are put into operation, they will bring results so long as we do our part. They are ever present and ready to aid those who care to use them. By forming a strong mental image of your desire, you plant the thought-seed which begins working in your interest and, in time, that desire, if in harmony with your higher nature, will materialize.

It may seem that it would be unnecessary to caution you to concentrate only upon achievement that will be good for you and work no harm to another, but there are many who forget others and their rights, in their anxiety to achieve success. All good things are possible for you to have, but only as you bring your forces into harmony with that law that requires that we mete out justice to fellow travelers as we journey along life's road. So first think over the thing wanted and if it would be good for you to have; say, "I want to do this; I am going to work to secure it. The way will be open for me."

If you fully grasp mentally the thought of success and hold it in mind each day, you gradually make a pattern or mold which in time will materialize. But by all means keep free from doubt and fear, the destructive forces. Never allow these to become associated with your thoughts.

At last you will create the desired conditions and receive help in many unlooked-for ways that will lift you out of the undesired environment. Life will then seem very different to you, for you will have found happiness through awakening within yourself the power to become the master of circumstances instead of their slave.

To the beginner in this line of thought some of the things stated in this book may sound strange, even absurd, but, instead of condemning them, give them a trial. You will find they will work out.

The inventor has to work out his idea mentally before he produces it materially. The architect first sees the mental picture of the house he is to plan and from this works out the one we see. Every object, every enterprise, must first be mentally created.

I know a man that started in business with thirteen cents and not a dollar's worth of credit. In ten years he has built up a large and profitable business. He attributes his success to two things--belief that he would succeed and hard work. There were times when it did not look like he could weather the storm. He was being pressed by his creditors who considered him bankrupt. They would have taken fifty cents on the dollar for his notes and considered themselves lucky. But by keeping up a bold front he got an extension of time when needed. When absolutely necessary for him to raise a certain sum at a certain time he always did it. When he had heavy bills to meet he would make up his mind that certain people that owed him would pay by a certain date and they always did. Sometimes he would not receive their check until the last mail of the day of the extension, and I have known him to send out a check with the prospect of receiving a check from one of his customers the following day. He would have no reason other than his belief in the power of affecting the mind of another by Reiki - Concentration of thought for expecting that check, but rarely has he been disappointed.

Just put forth the necessary concentrated effort and you will be wonderfully helped from sources unknown to you.

Remember the mystical words of Jesus, the Master: "Whatsoever thing ye desire when ye pray, pray as if ye had already received and ye shall have."

About The Author
Zach Keyer
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Thursday, August 25, 2005

Fitness Romance Spiritual Health Beauty

Where Do You Get Your Daily Success Quotes?

by: Helene Malmsio

Don’t be left behind today in the motivational stakes. START OFF YOUR DAY WITH OUR FREE BOOK!

"365 Daily Success Quotes" Inspiring self help ebook - a Power Pack of Quotes for every day of the week.

E-book can also be loaded onto your desktop for quick daily calendar reference to this day's inspiration. I have also just published my favourite “500 Famous Quotes” free self help book for you to download as well.

Either of these ebooks are a very thoughtful gift to surprise a friend or colleague with and brighten their day!

Visit our site and get your book, plus select from another 80+ free e-books to download at

The site also has a Famous Quotes page that is updated DAILY with a selection of three new quotes for you every day.

Here are some more famous quotes to inspire you today-

“Motivation alone is not enough. If you have an idiot and you motivate him, now you have a motivated idiot.” – Jim Rohn

"If you want to get somewhere you have to know where you want to go and how to get there. Then never, never, never give up." - Norman Vincent Peale

"Some things you have to do every day. Eating seven apples on Saturday night instead of one a day just isn't going to get the job done." - Jim Rohn

"The real menace in dealing with a five-year-old is that in no time at all you begin to sound like a five-year-old." Jean Kerr

"Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines, practiced every day; while failure is simply a few errors in judgment, repeated every day. It is the accumulative weight of our disciplines and our judgments that leads us to either fortune or failure" - Jim Rohn

"If you want to sacrifice the admiration of many men for the criticism of one, go ahead, get married." - Katherine Hepburn

Contributed by Helene Malmsio, a successful business entrepreneur for nearly 30 years and has been operating Strategic Services group of Companies since 1987.

With over 30 years of personal and professional development, Helene has produced a powerful self help website with over 80 FREE SELF HELP BOOKS and 1000 free personal development guides for your greater Happiness, Health and Prosperity

About The Author
Contributed by Helene Malmsio, a successful business entrepreneur for nearly 30 years and has been operating Strategic Services group of Companies since 1987.

With over 30 years of personal and professional development, Helene has produced a powerful self help website with over 80 FREE SELF HELP BOOKS and 1000 free personal development guides for your greater Happiness, Health and Prosperity

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Fitness Romance Spiritual Health Beauty

8 Ways to Get Off The Success-Go-Round and Have a Consistent Flow of Success

8 Ways to Get Off The Success-Go-Round and Have a Consistent Flow of Success
by: Marie M. Roker

Are you consistently chasing success? Once you achieve it, do you desperately try to continue the pattern of making it happen again? Isn't it time you got off the success-go-round? Here are 8 tips to help you make the transition from inconsistency to steady flow of success.

1. Know Your Core Values.

What do your truly value in your life? If you're struggling to come up with an answer, then maybe it's time you reevaluated your values. You might know what values your parents instilled in you, but you need to be clear on what you stand for and what is important in your life. Do you value honesty, integrity or trust? By knowing your core values you will seek them in the relationships you form with others. List your top five core values and live by them. Start to examine if your core values match the goals you are trying to achieve. Your values are essential to success.

2. Be Honest With Yourself.

Don't kid yourself about who you are or what you love to do. If you're trying to impress or win the approval of others by being successful, you success will be unauthentic. Is the "real" you showing up everyday? It is empowering to some to have a great job title or a prospering business, but if at the end of the day, you feel empty, tired or dissatisfied; it's time to be honest with yourself. You can't present yourself as someone in control at work, when you know deep inside you feel that you have no control over your life. Success is only temporary when you are not living a self-actualized life. Passion for your life and your work makes you thrive. Only when you are honest with yourself about who you are and what you really love to do can you start to experience a steady flow of success.

3. Don't Let Your Emotions Run the Show.

If you’re happy when life is great and going as planned, but fall apart when you are faced with challenges and obstacles, you allow your emotions to run the show. If people can clearly tell when things are not going well for you, it's time to get your emotions in check. Life is not predictable. Plans will not always run as smoothly as expected, but it is important that you maintain your composure during these times. Don't let your beliefs have power over the situation. If you allow sadness, anger or fear to take over, you will find it more difficult each time to bounce back after a set-back. Get to know your emotional triggers; what makes you angry, sad or afraid and then create a plan for coping with them when they arise.

4. Be Flexible With Your Plans.

Being too rigid and unwavering with plans can lead to disappointment. While setting plans and goals are ideal for making success happen, you have to accept that sometimes you may have to alter those plans. It's a good idea to have a back-up just in case things don't go the way you expected. Don't allow minor setbacks to make you cancel your plans altogether, but have faith that you will find another way to get things done. Take detours if it is necessary. Be open to ideas and suggestions from those you trust. You will find another way if you are willing to receive what is being offered to you.

5. Don't Let Success Be the Center of Your Life.

Success should not be at the center of your life. There are many more important things that you need to tend you. When you neglect or postpone what is important in your life, you will find that you are chasing success just to have more time, more energy and more money to enjoy life. It doesn’t happen that way. Set aside time to work on your career goals, business plan, life plan, etc, then continue with our life. If you're always on the look-out for success, it will rarely come. Have you heard the expression: "A watched phone never rings.”? Be patient and don't try to rush success. Learn to let go and you will see a transformation in yourself and your success plans.

6. Share What You Know or What You Have.

If you have a grip hold on success, but are not willing to share your knowledge, your time or your resources, chances are success will break free from you. Give of yourself and you will always be given. Don't be afraid to share your knowledge even with a competitor because it the long run, you will benefit more from it. Volunteer, if you have the time.

7. Ask for What You Want and Believe You Will Receive It.

Do you state clearly your goals or desires? Depending on your faith or religious affiliation, pray, meditate and ask for what you want. Once you get it, don't stop asking. We often make the mistake of asking for what we want and then we either give up because it hasn't come in our anticipated time or we stop asking because we got what we wanted. You should never stop asking, because you are only halfway. When you stop asking you don't allow more blessings to come into your life. If you only ask periodically or when things are going bad, then you are asking out of desperation. Ask continuously, and ask with the conviction that it will come to realization.

8. Stay in the Success Momentum.

The best way to keep from sabotaging your success is to stay in the success mindset. Giving in to financial or career blues can deter you from your goals. Keep away from people or situations that sap your energy or keep you stuck. Build a network of people that will challenge, support and motivate you when your outlook becomes distorted. Develop strategies that will help you to deal with rejections, disappointments and regrets. Lighten up and know don't be yourself up for every little mistake you make. Take charge of all your trying situations and know that "this too shall pass."

About The Author

Marie Magdala Roker is a Personal Development Coach an Author of Successful Thinking for a Successful Life: How to Banish the Unhealthy Thoughts and Habits That Limit Your Success. Her Successful Thinking™ program is an affordable coaching resource that offers support and encouragement when there are roadblocks to success. You can find out more about the program at or sign up for her free Be Inspired newsletter at

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Fitness Romance Spiritual Health Beauty

Loving Every Phenomenal Part of You
by: Deborah L. Shipley

Have you ever wished yourself away? I am not referring to leaving your precious life on this Earth; but rather, just wished you weren’t a certain way or did not have some particular qualities and mannerisms that were so apparent to you. I know I have.

In the past, I’ve had a very difficult time when others would point out my weaknesses to me, either constructively or not-so tactfully. I would think, “ Wow, not only do I think these are big problems I have, but now everyone else sees them as well.“ I would hope and pray that these parts of my personality would disappear into the deep character trait abyss. I would pretend to myself they weren’t present or I would try my hardest to cover them up. I spent a lot of time and energy on hiding these areas that I wanted so desperately to vanish.

A big first step in learning to love oneself and in self-forgiveness is accepting every part of you as the unique person that you are. All of your so-labeled liabilities can be tweaked into assets, but they must first be accepted. Otherwise, you are pushing against the grain and not being authentic to your true self.

Let me give you an example of what I am talking about. In all of my past serious relationships, I have loved very passionately- so much so, that I’ve depended on the other person in the relationship for my happiness (what is commonly referred to as co-dependence). My moods depended on their moods, their well-being, or were correlated to the way they were treating me at the time. One can argue that this is not really love. I feel it was love, but with a very important component missing-that passionate love for myself… With it, the “dysfunctional” one-sided relationships may have flourished or an even more likely scenario~ I would have probably not attracted them in the first place (but that’s a topic for another day). Once I accepted this as a part of my unique persona I was able to direct it in a more healthy manner-passionate love for my child, my work, my family, my faith, and most importantly, myself.

You may find your dark sides in anger, co-dependence, low self-esteem or a combination of these or other perhaps not so desirable traits. We are missing a part of us by wishing these traits weren’t ours and not owning up to every inch of them. If we are only loving a part of ourselves or of others, we are not fully engaged in the experience of love. You know that feeling of being in a relationship where the other person may “kind of like you” or you “kind of like them“. It doesn’t flourish, and neither party is truly happy. It has been said by finding an area in which you have found the most struggles, therein lies your true purpose. These are gifts for us to embrace; lessons are presented for us to learn. Think of one of your greatest challenges-has that not shaped who you are today? When you are in the midst of it, it can be difficult; but when you step back, you see the beauty of it all.

Accept your yin and your yang. Accept your dark and your light. Accept your failures and your successes. I am not suggesting that we use this as an excuse to not participate in personal development or self-care, or to neglect to learn those lessons that are often presented to us throughout our lives. Instead I am suggesting that we embrace our unique selves and know that we are not on this Earth to take up space but rather to fulfill a beautiful life of our dreams in our own special way~ every valuable bit of us.

“If you can’t accept yourself, then certainly no one else will.” ~Author Unknown

About The Author
Copyright 2005~Deborah Shipley is a registered yoga teacher, publisher of a free monthly e-zine on self-esteem, and an e-book author. This article may be distributed provided the author’s information is included in its entirety.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Fitness Romance Spiritual Health Beauty

The Secret That Is Not A Secret At All.

The Secret That Is Not A Secret At All by: Stan Lewis

The purpose of this article is to discuss habits and what can happen, over a period of time, when we put things off or when we don’t finish the tasks we have started. At the end of this article, you shall discover a potentially life changing secret, that is not a secret at all.

When we continuously put things off or don’t finish a task, it can become a bad habit. Habits can be either good or bad. When things become a habit, we do them without even thinking about them. This is great – when the repetitive actions are positive. However it can be bad – when the repetitive actions are negative. It matters not the occupation of a person or if they’re a leader. Each person should seek to create repetitive actions which are positive and create good habits. Additionally, each of us should seek to stay away from repetitive actions that are negative and create bad habits.

Now each of us have procrastinated or put things off for various reasons. And to be honest, sometimes it is necessary to set things aside for valid reasons – like family emergencies. True emergency situations do not need to be justified. However, it is when we become like the person in Proverbs 6:9-11 that it is not alright. This Proverb talks about the foolishness of indolence. Indolence means being lethargic and not showing any interest or making any effort. Proverbs 6:9-11 says - “6 Go to the ant, you sluggard! Consider her ways and be wise, 7 which, having no captain, overseer or ruler, 8 provides her supplies in the summer, and gathers her food in the harvest. 9 How long will you slumber, O sluggard? When will you rise from your sleep? 10 A little sleep, a little slumber, A little folding of the hands to sleep— 11 So shall your poverty come on you like a prowler, and your need like an armed man.”

The ant is self-motivated. It has developed good habits that cause it to do what is necessary to survive and thrive. Those who always put things off will drift away from what’s necessary in order to feed their bad habits. They become like the sluggard. A little sleep here, a little slumber there, and a little folding of hands to sleep and poverty can come upon you like a prowler. This “lack of action” can treat you with the cruelty of an armed robber if you do not do what is necessary to create positive habits. In turn, positive habits will produce and develop physical, mental, and spiritual growth within you.

Another problem is that many of us have trouble following through with a task. We start projects or tasks with great energy, but never follow through on them. Again, there are valid reasons not to finishing a project or task. Emergencies and strange situations do pop up from time to time. However, each of us should endeavor to finish what we start. Proverbs 12:27 says, “ 27 the lazy man does not roast what he took in hunting, but diligence is man’s precious possession.” What a waste of both resources and time. This guy went through all the trouble of hunting down his game, but will not follow through with the task of feeding himself. He is so close to the ultimate goal he set out upon, but in the end – he missed the mark. This is like practicing for a 100 yard dash and when the race starts – the runner quits at the 50 or 60 yards mark. No injury or mishap – not at all. It’s just that the runner has never developed the positive habit of completing a race. The hunter has never developed the positive habit of finishing the job and feeding himself.

The diligent – those who are persistent and hard working – are a different story. The diligent do not put off until tomorrow – what can be done today. The diligent, also, finish what they start. The diligent value their resources. The diligent not only value their time, but the time of others.
So, what are you putting off? Where are the areas in your life that you are not following through on? Once you have answered these questions; then you will know what you have to work on. These are areas where you need to be diligent. But remember, you did not develop bad habits over night, but over time. Nor are you likely to change your bad habits on your own. In order for you to develop the positive habits that will promote your physical, mental, and spiritual growth; you will need to seek out a mentor to walk this road of change with you. Whether you find an elder or leader in the church or a big brother or sister figure; find someone to hold you accountable. And here is the big secret that is no secret at all: Admit your bad habits, set goals to change them, create action steps (something you can do daily), and find an accountability partner/mentor. It’s not a secret at all, that you can be the best you that you can be – if you trade out your bad habits for good ones.

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR NEWSLETTER, E-ZINE OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include the following with it: Stan Lewis is a Christian Leadership & Life Coach. If you liked this article, you should really check out his FREE audio course "Seven Basic Steps To Becoming a Servant Leader" and other FREEBIES at Questions/Need assistance call 214-629-7217.

About The Author

Coach Stan is a Christian Life & Leadership coach. He is happily married to the ultimate lady and love of his life - Barb. He has two children. He is a former Naval Officer & has developed and trained leaders for 18 yrs. He has worked in the Royal Ranger ministry for 20 yrs. He has a passion for training, ministering to, and developing leaders.